Monday, September 24, 2012

Will you be voting this November?

Recently a friend on facebook raised a question that I've also contemplated: If you don't fully support the platforms of either candidate, should you vote? Based on replies to this question, as well as some feedback unrelated to this facebook dialog, I've come to the following conclusions:

  • Our right to vote is a gift from God. He has used our government system to give us that right.  "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." ~Romans 13:1
    •  NOTE: Don't be tempted to leave the decision "in God's hands"... He moves through His people.  "faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." ~James 2:17
  • Our freedoms as U.S. Citizens (including the freedom to choose our leaders) been defended by men and women in the military for years. We disrespect the sacrifice of many when we do not use our freedoms. Voting is one way that every citizen has "freedom of speech" and we need to let our voices be heard. 
  • Voting for the "lesser of two evils" is still an important action. When we fail to do even this, we have increased the likelihood of the "greater of two evils" being in power. We whittle away a little of the evil and press on with prayer, in hopes that God will be merciful to our sin-filled nation. 
 So, even though I'm having a hard time being fully supportive of candidates in most of the positions up for election this year. I will pray for and research the candidates. Then on November 6, 2012 I will get out and vote with my best possible conscience. I hope you'll join me at the polls.

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