Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Encourage one another

May I introduce my sweet friend, Virginia? I've known her name for a long time, but have gotten to know her over the past year. We meet together weekly for fellowship, reading and prayer.

I cannot begin to tell you the ways that she has blessed me with her words of encouragement and her prayers. I have learned to pray more meaningful prayers because she models it for me. Her heart is so full of love for Jesus!

One of the consequences of being single is that you don't have anyone to say "how was your day, Dear?" Virginia fills that gap for me. Every week she is eager to hear about my week past and the week ahead. Often she challenges me in regards to my physical care of myself. (It's nice to have someone who will do that.) She encourages me in my work and reminds me that I should learn to ask for help when I am clearly too busy.

Together we area able to share our joy and sorrows, laughter and tears. There is great joy in seeing a smile on the face of this precious woman of God. 

I thank God for bringing us together during this season of our lives. In His great wisdom, He knew that we would be good for each other.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up..."
~1 Thessalonians 5:11

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