Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reflections on a Letter from a friend Pt 2

Part of my quiet time with the Lord is through a Bible study I am doing alongside some women at church. The study is written by Angela Thomas and is titled: Living your life as a Beautiful Offering. One of her points of teaching this week has been related to knowing "who is on standby in your circle of friendship to help you carry your burden." She shared an email that she had sent to the circle of friends who pray with her regularly. As I read her email, I was amazed; she had articulated so well a deep feeling of my own heart that I often experience:
"I am exhausted, physically and emotionally. I am tired of being "a really strong woman who can get it all done." I am tired of feeling like I have to live like I don't need anybody but Jesus. Can you pray into the loneliness that comes from so many blessings and no one to share both the responsibilities and the joy?"
I read this and I think about who I have in my circle. It's harder to fill than one might imagine. Again, I reflect on your letter and what God may have me to take from it. 

Here's the hard lesson I learn... perhaps related to my "love language" (ala Gary Chapman).  I have a deep longing for quality time, as a way of feeling loved. When I sense that I am being deprived of such time, I feel abandoned, alone. In an effort to overcome that feeling of abandonment, I forget those healthy boundaries that God has designed for protection. I reach out in inappropriate ways desperately seeking  fulfillment of my deep desire for love. As my relationship with Christ has matured, I've cast aside many of the "socially inappropriate" means of seeking such fulfillment; however, I still have many habits that I cling to in my despair.  I admit that when I feel someone is "supposed to be there" for me and that person is unavailable for any reason, I become distressed and confused and manipulative. I begin to speak and act in ways that I think will compel the person to meet my great need. 

"Be still and know that I am God." How thankful I am that my Ever Faithful Father reminds me gently that HE is the one that is always here for me. What great error is made when any of us attempt to force someone to take on a role that God Himself is waiting patiently to fill. Over and over we are promised that God hears us when we call. He is ready to listen, to love and to lead in ways that no one else can. He wants me to celebrate my joys and sorrows with Him... and if I will let Him, He even provides His hands and feet and voice and ears through the Body of Believers.... maybe not in the way that I would have chosen, but He does provide because He is always faithful and has promised He will never leave me nor forsake me (Deut 31:6). 

None of this is to say that we cannot or should not look to individuals to come along side us on this journey of life. That is not my point. The lessons I learn are these: 1)Stop expecting humans to fulfill a need that only God can fill. 2) Recognize that God desires to be more in your life because of His great love for you 3) Allow God to fill the spaces that He alone can fill. 

"May the God of all hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." ~Romans 15:13

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