Today I am in a difficult position as I consider what to do with this moral dilemma:
A couple who stayed here at the inn about 5 weeks ago has now made reservations to stay with me again. The problem is this: During their last visit, I learned that girl is a student at the local Christian college. As a graduate and former employee of this institution, I know that she has signed a document which would condemn these arrangements with her boyfriend... Certainly it is possible that this is an "innocent" arrangement, but still the two students are putting themselves in a situation where it would be easy to compromise their own standards. So what do I do?
Can I reject this request for reservation? If so, what excuse do I use? Am I honest about it, saying that I cannot play part in what I know is a willful disobedience of standards that the student has promised to live by? Is is my legal right to do so, or am I inviting a discrimination lawsuit?
Do I notify the institution? I'll be honest, I feel very strongly against doing this. The right thing to do is to approach the student. I do wonder, if I only deny the student access to a room here, is that going to change her behavior? Would discipline bring spiritual growth, or cause spiritual questioning?
One thing I know for sure it this, I didn't say anything to indicate my disapproval of their arrangements when they were here the first time. If I had, perhaps I wouldn't be dealing with the situation again. Aren't we that way sometimes? We overlook a sin, or shortcoming, thinking it's a one time indiscretion. We are quick to sweep it under the rug, or say "well, just this once. It's OK." Fear of being "quick to judge" sometimes means that we overlook an opportunity to speak truth into another person's life. Overlooking sin (big or small) in our own life or others, opens the door for Satan to do even greater work. When we look the other way once, we're sure to be challenged with opportunities to do it again and again, risking the chance of behavior that could become out of control.
So what do we do?
I'm still thinking about this, so no answers today. Feel free to write me about your thoughts on the subject.
Time to talk to the girl. If she shows any guilt, time to talk to the college.