Friday, September 10, 2010

Joy along the Journey

"You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done." Psalm 92:4

"Joy is simple (not to be confused with easy). At any moment in life we have at least two options, and one of them is to choose an attitude of gratitude, a posture of grace, a commitment to joy." ~Tim Hansel


 I've been reading a book called You Gotta Keep Dancin' by Tim Hansel. Mr. Hansel was injured in a climbing accident, which resulted in chronic pain. While he spends some time talking about his own difficulties, his words of encouragement are for anyone who suffers physically, emotionally or spiritually. His own journey has lead him to joy. 


I want to be joyful as I journey the path that has been set before me through personal choice and God's design. After recent surgery, I experienced great joy; I was able to see God's hand upon my situation and know that He had brought miraculous healing to my life. I don't want to let that joy go! A new medication I began taking left me feeling tired and I also noticed that I seemed to be depressed. These are good days to remember that joy is a choice I can make every day and in every circumstance. 


Joy doesn't guarantee that every day will be perfect. Certainly, there will be days when I struggle with feeling well physically and emotionally. However, I can look at my life and recognize the good that God has already done for me and know that He will do it again. The days I feel weak and unable are the days that I can say, "The joy of the Lord is my strength." (Nehemiah 8:10

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