"All day long the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life."
~ Psalm 42:8
This evening in church a song that was shared referenced Psalm 42. While the ensemble sang, I decided to read the passage. The verse I quoted above jumped off the page and I immediately committed it to memory. I had walked to church and on the way home, I meditated on this word. In part, I was asking myself why it spoke to me so deeply.
"All day long the Lord directs His love." The Lord is constantly active in my life throughout the day. He has orchestrated the day with abundant opportunities to experience His love in the forms of blessings, discipline, grace, beauty... so much more. As He directs His love, He does so in such a way as to teach me and to help me grow deeper in my walk with Him. As He directs His love, He shows me opportunities to be an instrument of His love to others in my path.
"His song is with me at night." As I lie down each evening, it is the Lord's song that comes to bring praise and honor and glory, thankfulness for how He has directed His love all day long. It is His song that comforts me when I have had a difficult day; His lullaby sings me to sleep. It is His song that reminds me that I am His child.
"A prayer..." How is the Lord's directing of His love and the presence of His song a prayer? I wonder, is this what the psalmist intended? Then I thought about the promise that the Spirit prays on our behalf... with sighs to deep for words... (or something like that, I'll have to look it up)... So, the Lord/Spirit is praying on my behalf through Love and Song! That's cool. I like that idea! I think for now I can accept that... and still need to ponder this verse for many more days. I'm excited to see what the Spirit my show me about Our Father's love.
"to the God of my life." The God of MY LIFE... wow! This idea isn't necessarily new to me, but I heard it fresh today. I'm challenged to rethink how I live my day to day life. Am I living as if I believe that God is THE God of my life? How can I allow the Lord's directing of His love all day and His song that is with me at night to compel me to make my life a prayer, a song of praise, to Him?
Oh, Lord. Help me to be aware of the ways you are directing your Love in my day to day activities. Teach me your song as you bring it to me at night. Mold my heart that I may sing your praises, be an instrument of your love, and that my life may be a prayer to you, THE God of my life.
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