Have you ever worked one of those puzzles where every piece is the same shape and size? Any piece of the puzzle will fit anywhere in the puzzle. However, just because it fits, doesn't mean it belongs.
Sometimes I feel like one of those puzzle pieces. I've been able to fit in pretty much anywhere. According to the Strengthsfinder Test, one of my top five strengths is Adaptability. I'm a go with the flow kind of girl. I often fly by the seat of my pants and appear to be a social butterfly.
However, sometimes I recognize that, also like that puzzle piece, just because I fit, doesn't mean I belong. Belonging means there are smooth transitions between me and those around me. We meld together to make one cohesive picture. We remain individuals, but don't feel or appear to be out of place. The picture would be incomplete without each individual being in the place designed for them.
There are times that I feel like I try so hard to blend in with the people around me that I feel lost in the world. It's like I'm one of those same size, same shape pieces, but from a different puzzle.
I remind myself that I am, indeed, from a different puzzle... I am not of this world. This is a temporary place for me. I will never truly fit in here in the most complete, perfect way. Only with The Master Artist will I ever find my true place. So I must keep seeking him and maybe just a small section of the Great Puzzle that is life will begin to take form and make sense.
2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” John 14:2-3
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