Lately I've been once again reflecting on the great loneliness that I experience on a regular basis. I know that I shouldn't feel alone because "God is always with me" ...and yet, I can't keep the feeling from coming. There is all kinds of scripture that talks about this issue; I think that one could easily find verses to back up any stance.
For now, I really just want to express the deep loneliness that is filling my heart and mind right now. Sure, I have plenty of friends who are kind and sweet and in their own ways invite me into their worlds. But what I really long for is the type of companionship where you have someone to share your deepest longings with. Certainly, God is willing and able to fill this role in my life, but I need tangible presence!
I don't know where or when I'll find it. Just needed to say it to someone, so here I am writing it to me.